Site Survey

Why is a site survey important?

A stable Wi-Fi signal can be disrupted by various factors, such as walls, devices and other Wi-Fi networks. Especially in large buildings, large distances often need to be covered. However, too many access points can also have adverse effects. If you want a fast and reliable Wi-Fi network throughout the business environment, it is crucial to consider several factors. A site survey offers the solution to realize an optimal wireless network or to optimize an existing network that is not functioning as desired.

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Benefits of a site survey

UTPinfra offers comprehensive site survey services. With our expertise, we gather the necessary information to design and implement an effective and efficient wireless network. We highly recommend conducting a site survey before you begin designing and implementing your Wi-Fi network. This will ensure that you achieve the best possible performance and coverage, and proactively address any issues or limitations in the environment. A site survey is essential to avoid unpleasant surprises after implementing your wireless network, such as poor coverage. This may require you to add or relocate additional hardware, which can also affect cabling. A site survey provides you with a clear understanding of the measures needed.

There are several advantages to conducting a site survey:

  • Wireless network optimization: A site survey helps identify the right locations for wireless access points and determine the right network equipment, thereby optimizing the wireless network.
  • Cost savings: A site survey can avoid unnecessary costs. It ensures that the required equipment is used efficiently and avoids unnecessary expenses.
  • Optimizing an existing environment: A site survey helps identify sources of interference and maps the existing Wi-Fi signals. Based on the measurement results, improvements can be made. Consider adjusting power levels, channel settings and possibly moving, replacing or upgrading existing APs ..

For the site survey, one of our specialists will visit you. He will look at the building and use special measuring equipment to see where any interference factors are. He will then see what equipment needs to be placed or moved in what location to achieve optimal coverage. This process looks like this:

  • Inventory the needs and requirements.
  • Identify any complaints from the existing environment.
  • Identify properties and building materials of the property.
  • Analysis of any interference factors (other networks, equipment, etc.).
  • Analyze any existing network.
  • Determine what equipment is needed at the location(s) in question.
  • Report findings.

Upon completion of the measurement, you will receive a comprehensive report, which we can discuss with you on site if desired. This report includes recommendations for the optimal placement of access points, the required number of access points, the best configuration and an overview of any sources of interference that have been detected.

Have we piqued your interest and would you like to work with a motivated and determined team with an extensive network of subcontractors? Please contact us by phone or email.


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